Public DNS

Regular Best Free Public DNS Servers

ProvidersPrimary DNS ServerSecondary DNS ServerServer Location
Google8. View, California, USA
OpenDNS208.67.222.222208.67.220.220San Antonio, Texas, USA
Level3209.244.0.3209.244.0.4Diamond Bar, California, USA
DNS Advantage156.154.70.1156.154.71.1Sterling, Virginia, USA
Verizon4. to nearest Level3 nodes
SmartViper208.76.50.50208.76.51.51Birminghan, Alabama & Tampa, Florida USA

Free Public DNS Servers with Safe-Browsing Shield

ProvidersPrimary DNS ServerSecondary DNS ServerServer Location
Norton ConnectSafe 1198.153.192.40198.153.194.40Auto blocking malware, phishing & scams web sites
Norton ConnectSafe 2198.153.192.50198.153.194.50Same to 1 plus blocking pornographic web sites
Norton ConnectSafe 3198.153.192.60198.153.194.60Same to 2 plus blocking non-family friendly web sites
Comodo Secure DNS8. blocking phishing, malware and spyware web sites
Securly184.169.143.224184.169.161.155Auto blocking adult oriented pages and web sites
ScrubIT67.138.54.100207.225.209.66Auto blocking pornographic and malicious web sites